In Loving Memory To Honor
Kelley Archer
A Great Husband, 
A Wonderful Father &
A Good Friend To All
Who Knew Him


GREAT MAN passed away on July 3, 2019; the type of person that when he came into your life, you just KNEW he was there and you'd be a better person for meeting him.  

I first met Kelley while I was working at the New Prague (Minnesota) radio station KCHK. Kelley was a regular guest (and often times a Co-Host with me) of a program I produced, "COACH'S ROUNDTABLE"; a program that featured local high school sports teams coaches and was hosted by Dick Jonckowski; the well known Public Address Announcer for the MINNESOTA GOLDEN GOPHERS Basketball Team and the AMERICAN LEGION WORLD SERIES. 

Kelley would go on to become a guest on my radio and Internet Shows talking about a variety of topics including Computer Security and Identity Theft. We never got around to completing the Website  about him that I had started.

For more information,

Kelley also teamed up with former Carver County Attorney/Retired Minnesota First Judicial District Court Judge Michael Fahey and presented numerous C.A.S.E. Seminars (Communities Against  Senior  Exploitation) to help prevent Senior Citizens from becoming targets for, and victims of, criminal activity against them. 

To visit that Webpage,

Fortunately, I recorded a number of programs that I still have when Kelley was my guest; both at the radio station and, later, on my Internet Show, along with Former Carver County Attorney/Retired Minnesota District Court Judge Mike Fahey.

Those recordings are publicly available on-line to honor Kelley's legacy.

For many years, Kelley also was the delight of young and old alike when he invited them (and their pets) to visit 'Santa' at his Workshop; first in Chaska and then later having moved to St. Bonifacius; where he would later be featured on a newscast on local television station WCCO.and also in local newspapers.Carver County 'Macaroni Kid' Website and also on Facebook.
In Addition To Being A Guest On My Radio Show At KCHK Radio
In New Prague, Kelley Also  Periodically Made The Trip To
DELTAVILLE U.S.A. To Appear On My Internet
Shows Heard Around The World !!
(Comments about this Webite honoring Kelley as well as about our recorded programs, may
be sent to [email protected].)
THANK YOU ! for visiting
my Webpage paying
tribute to Kelley. 

To return to my Home Page,
The celebration of life for Kelley was be on Monday July 22nd from 11am-1pm in the Chaska Event Center which is inside the Chaska Curling Center 3210 Chaska Blvd Chaska MN 55318.

Kelley requested that it be an Irish Wake and not a funeral so there was a keg provided and cash bar on hand.  

The attire requested was either:
A Sports jersey
A Hawaiian shirt
A Christmas shirt
Or other fun attire

We wantd this to be a get together of sharing stories about Kelley and just being together to share a drink or two. 

Kelley During The Recording Of One Of His Many Appearances On
With Retired Carver County Attorney &
Retired Minnesota District Court Judge Mike Fahey
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